Headlock Robinson
Headlock Robinson.
Mechtorian customised Janky toy from Superplastic.
By Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft. 2019.
Headlock Robinson.
Mechtorian customised Janky toy from Superplastic.
By Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft. 2019.
The Illustrator.
A customised Mechtorian Janky vinyl toy from Superplastic.
By Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft.
A Lovely Day. Mechtorian customised Luck Chueh Bear from Munkyking toys.
By Doktor A, Bruce Whistlecraft.
Autopsy Tervy. Mechtorian customised Luck Chueh Bear from Munkyking toys.
By Doktor A, Bruce Whistlecraft.
The Mechanics of Life. Steam Version. Customised Luke Cheuh bear from Munkyking. Mechtorian version by Doktor A. Bruce Whistlecraft. 2017.
Read moreThe Mechanics of Life.
Resin and vinyl Bear figures.
In collaboration between Luke Chueh, Munky King Toys and Doktor A, Bruce Whistlecraft.
Mr. Hammer and Mr. Smith, purveyors of the finest wrought ironwork for any use or occasion. When the skilfully minded,
Read moreAble to brew craft ales within his own body. The life and soul of a party. Vinyl, ABS, Polyurethane resin,
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Read moreOnce part of a larger factory building the original wave of Mechtorians. Mr. Weatherspoon was the first to see the
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