Colonel Henry Walrus Caruthers

Colonel Henry Walrus Caruthers Mechtorian by Doktor A.

Although appointed leader of the Herringbone research expedition the Colonel didn’t really have a proper grasp on their intent.
Drafted in from the army to provide experience and knowledge in the fields of remote and difficult travel across uncharted terrain.
He is adept at handling fire-arms with his prehensile moustache. And unfortunately cant resist the urge to take occasional pot shots at the wild-life.
Especially some of the rarer fauna.
“Well there wont be many chances to bag one of these buggers soon”!
is his justification.

(Painting) Acrylic on wood 18″ x 24″

(figure) Customised Lefty toy designed by HiCalorie.
Collaboration with Chris Ryniak who sculpted the victim.
Vinyl, Epoxy Resin, Lead, Brass, Walnut wood, Brass, Glass, A.B.S. Found Objects.