Rodney Aloysius Spencer

Rodney Aloysius Spencer Mechtorian customised Squidkids toy by Doktor A.

Owner of one of the larger department stores in Retropolis, Rodney worked his way up from the lowly position of junior manikin duster.
He is an outstanding shop keeper with an eye for a good deal and a nose for a new trend.
He was the first to offer self polishing cravats for sale and made a small fortune from peppermint scented lubricants.
Though most of his personal fortune was made selling under-the-counter items to persons who indulged in recreational scoldings.

Customised resin Squidkid toy.
Vinyl, Acrylic, Polymer clay, Lead, Paper, Brass, A.B.S, Rubberwood, Rubber, vintage clock key.
8” tall.